
Saturday, August 04, 2007

Another Dishcloth

I was cleaning off my desk today and I found a February KAL dishcloth that I hadn't finished. There were only 10 or so rows left to complete. So, I hunted around and found the printed copy of the pattern and finished knitting it. Now I only need the rows for tomorrow on the current KAL & I will have 2 new dishcloths. It is nice to have another FO.

Pattern: Love Day
Source: http://tricotine.typepad.com/weblog/
Yarn: Tahki Cotton Classic
Color: Red
Needle: US 5

1 comment:

CraftyCarole said...

I love this cloth... I made it for V-day... reminds me to add this to the list for Xmas for the SIL who is crazy for hearts! Thanks for visiting the blog...Next step is to take pictures of each yarn in prep for my invite to Ravelry. I also have 5x7 cards of each yarn with a piece of it attached.. that way I can match up colors or fibers when picking out a project!