
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another Craft???

Just what I need. Another craft hobby. But here it is. The drop spindle bug has bitten and here are the first results. (Of course, I must remind everyone that I tried this craft a couple of years ago with a bottom whorl spindle. Never could get the hang of it.)

The pictures aren't that good. But for a first try with the top whorl, I am pleasantly surprised. I found a video on youtube that explains pre-drafting. I found that to be VERY helpful.


Pretty good, huh??
I think that I will spin the rest of the this wool and maybe make a scarf with my own homespun!! Of course that depends on the yardage I end up with.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where has the time gone?

What happened to the fall?? Here it is already the middle of October and I haven't made a post in ages. Well, the kids have been sick on and off since school started and I've been busy taking the kids to band practice, soccer practice, gymnastics, music lessons, football practice, etc. etc. There really isn't room for more after school activities.

I have managed to complete a couple of items. (Of course, I have others that I only posted to Ravelry.)

This is a pair of fuzzy slipper socks for my Mom. They will keep her feet nice and warm this winter. ssh. Don't tell her, but it's her Christmas present.

The yarn is Regia Softy sock yarn. I used size 4 needles and did a 1x1 rib for 1o rounds and then a 3x1 rib pattern for the cuff. The cuffs measured about 5". I tried a short row heel for the first time and carried the 3x1 rib pattern down the top of the foot. The socks aren't very pretty, but they're cosy!!

I also finished my Sally Melville's Simple Cardigan. My goodness, it only took me a couple of years to finish this. But hey a FO is a FO no matter how long it takes.

The camera lighting stinks for this picture. The color is more of a deep purple with slubs of red, blue, green and yellow. When I used more flash, the sweater looked bright blue and you couldn't even see the buttons. All the details are on my ravelry page here. I don't know if I will make this again. The bottom tends to curl and the sleeves are really too roomy. This is an over sized garment, which I don't really care for. I went down a size, so it wouldn't look so sloppy on me.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Notion Review

You know, I am a sucker for buying knitting needles, bags and notions. So, recently when I was in a local LYS, I found a new knitting notion. It was the new Lantern Moon repair hook. After carefully adding up my purchases, I decided that it wouldn't break the yarn budget.

This is the hook. It's nice and smooth and easy to use.

I just used it tonight to change a knit stitch to a purl stitch in my fuzzy socks. (The wrong stitch was about 4" down the leg of the sock.) The hook works great. It is not awkward to use like a regular hook. It is short and sleek and a real pleasure to use. Great job Lantern Moon.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Another Bag

I promised the little girl a pink crocheted bag. Here is the result.

This is another bag from a free pattern off of a Japanese Site. I used Reynolds Saucy Sport purchased from Hank of Yarn in Southaven, MS. It is a 100% mercerized cotton yarn. It took a tad over 1 skein. I added the new skein at the first handle. She liked it, I hope.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New books

Who has time to clean house and do laundry? I'm going to blame the Japanese craft books. I have started crocheting again. As long as I don't overdo, it doesn't seem to hurt the arthritis in my hands.

This is one of my new purchases. Of course, it is not new but vintage. Unfortunately it doesn't have charts, but there are great patterns.

I looked at this book for a long time before I purchased it. I almost waited too long. But thank goodness, I was able to find a copy from my favorite etsy dealer. The patterns are in Japanese but all are charted. The book is full of hats and bags. I see more WIP's in my future.

This is my last new book: a Japanese sewing book. It is full of tote bags, book bags, pencil cases, makeup bags, etc. It's time to dust off the sewing machine and get my sewing mojo back!! All the books have detailed diagrams. I think it won't be too hard to follow.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Quiz

Take Clara's new quiz. Which ewe are you?

I am a Perendale. Now I need to look it up and see what kind of sheep this is. Enjoy.

Didn't you just enjoy Clara Parkes' other book Knitter's Book of Yarn?

Friday, July 03, 2009

Oops, wrong size!!

Well, I finished the second Sitcom Chic for my SIL (Christmas present last year), but oops, it's the wrong size. But, no ripping another sweater for me. My mom tried it on and loved it. So, I gifted it to her and will knit SIL another sweater. It really turned out nice. Instead of using reverse stockinette on the bands, I used 4 rows of garter stitch. Maybe that will help it stay flat without using the ribbon underneath to hold the shape.

Mom didn't want a button loop or button. No problem, as I hadn't made it yet.

On this sweater, I didn't graft the underarm seams like my turquoise one. It was seamed as the instructions stated. This should help keep the shape under the arms.

I lengthened the body and sleeves and did a 2x2 edge on the sleeves and hem. It fits Mom just right.

I can tell that my knitting skills have really improved since finishing the first Sitcom.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chasing Shiny Objects

I have a confession to make. Whenever I browse patterns, I find things that I just have to start. For instance, this is the Hemlock Ring Doily Throw as modified by Jared Flood. Someone on Ravelry had made it for a baby blanket using Lion Brand Organic Cotton yarn. That's all it took. I found a good source for the yarn and ordered it. The package came in yesterday. With all the socks, sweaters and shawls already on needles, I cast on.

It is a very fast knit. I have already finished the flower part and started the feather and fan chart.

Also, I started the Mountain Stream Scarf the other day. I am using some leftover Knit Picks Shadow lace yarn. Well, that made the DH happy because I didn't buy more yarn. This is an interesting pattern. You start with the bottom border then pick up the edge stitches to begin the body. The side borders are knitted with the body section and then the top border is added at the end. This scarf uses "techniques from traditional Orenberg shawls" ....and is "a nice introduction to the Orenberg construction". I really like how the scarf is starting to look.

The pattern can be found here.

Maybe I should put these down and go finish my second Sitcom Chic Sweater. Only need to weave in all the ends, sew up the underarm seam, add the button and crochet the button loop.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Finished Results

Here is the process I used to dye this yarn.

Put up in the hank. Before starting.

Washed & rinsed, soaked in plain water for 30 minutes.

I didn't have Kool Aid Brand so I used the Aldi's store brand. 2 packs per 50 grams. (Of course, I didn't read this correct and had to add 2 more packs during the dye bath).

The kool aid mixed with water.

Add the yarn and cover with water.

After microwaved for 2 minutes and then rested for 5 minutes and repeated.

Yarn rinsed and hung to dry in my jungle of a back yard.

Final product. I don't know, it may need to be redyed with more blue. But wait, it is just for socks. I'll try dyeing some Knit Picks Bare that I have had for a couple of years.
It is a little time consuming, but overall, very fun. The kids enjoyed "helping" me too.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trying Something New

I bought a new skein of ONline Supersocke 100 Florida-Color from my LYS. The picture doesn't really show the neon brightness of this yarn. After a lot of thought, I have decided to over-dye the skein.

Now, I am not a spinner, so I don't have a Niddy Noddy. Thanks to Google, I found several websites that explain how to make one and the proper use of it. If you are interested, see this site or this one. Here are the parts to assemble.

With my children's "help", we put it together and made the center pull ball into a hank.

Finally, I tied the hank in three sections and twisted it for a photo shoot. Now it is off to figure out what color to dye it with.